Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Energy like a Warrior...Get It!

Here are four of the ingredients in shakeology and what they can do for us. As I was reaserching this I couldn't help but Praise God! It is amazing that he gave us all these wonderful things to help our bodies function and heal. Here are four in shakeology but there are SEVENTY total. What could shakeology do for you??

Kamut Grass- Coined nature's most powerful detoxifier, Kamut grass cleanses the blood and detoxifies our cells to restore health and vitality.

 Acai Berry- just 1 of the many great ingredients in Shakeology! Acai berries are amongst the healthiest fruits on Earth. They're packed with antioxidants, healthy omega fats, protein & fiber. They have a fatty acid ratio similar to olive oil which is considered to be a contributing factor to the low incide...nce of heart disease in Mediterranean populations.

Quinoa (sprouted) A recently rediscovered ancient "grain" native to South America, quinoa was once called "the gold of the Incas," who recognized its value in increasing the stamina of their warriors. Not only is quinoa high in protein, but the protein it supplies is complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids.

Holy Basil Powder- wow- in the hindu religion they worship this herb in the morning and evening. Must be pretty great! Said to have amazing healing properties.Basil leaves are regarded as an 'adaptogen' or anti-stress agent. Recent studies have shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress. Basil has strengthening effect on the kidney. In case of renal stone the juice of basil leaves and honey, if taken regularly for 6 months it will expel them via the urinary tract.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Montage 8/4/10 at

Today i am getting over my fear of posting videos. Although I did put music to it because I hate heraing myself talk.ha! Fitting it in when you can in whatever you have on is the lesson of the day. Comment below on how many mason twists you can do.both sides count as 1. go do it!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Summer Heat

The last two weeks I have really struggled with my workouts. I am blaming the heat. Once I get the boys down I just want to veg, eat lunch, and take a nap! Most days I have (and it is important to listen to your body at times) but I was afraid it was starting to become too frequent. In the mornings I have been hitting snooze and staying in the bed until I HAVE to get up. Today I am blogging as I decide which workout I want to do. I know once I press play and do it I will feel so much better. It's like the principle of never over eating. I hardly ever over eat...I would say never but I have learned never to say never :) Even on thanksgiving or Christmas or birthdays. Why? I dont like how it makes me feel...immediatley after or the next day. The same goes for healthy habits. I don't like how not working out two days in a row makes me feel. I don't like how not drinking enough water makes me feel. What are you doing or not doing right now that gives you a not so great feeling? Can you find a reasonable alternative? For me, today, I am going to go drink some ice cold water, and press play. Because every decision and every day counts. It's friday afternoon but you can still make today count. Go get it!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Spotlight on Almonds

Almonds contain more than 20 antioxidants. Eating almonds as part of a healthy diet can helpyou lose 62 percent more weight than a diet without almonds. Plus achieve a 50 percent greater reduction in waist size and 56 percent greater reduction on body fat. Almonds also contain vitamin E which helps fight premature aging and wrinkles. Whole , raw, almonds are the best way to go. Try steaming a large sweet potato and sprinkle on almonds and a little sea salt and/or cinnamon. By the way, did you know cinnamon plays a role in regualting blood sugar AND it was used in the holy annointing of the tabernacle. (thanks to

Monday, July 19, 2010

Turbo Fire HIIT

Turbo Fire is the latest and greatest development from BeachBody. It is from Chalene Johnson who is the creator of Turbo Jam. In this program you will burn NINE TIME MORE FAT than a typical treadmill/elliptical workout. So next time you see someone logging hours on the treadmill you can just smile and know you are burning more fat than them after doing your 15 or 30 minute HIIT workout. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. It is above all the best and most effective way to burn fat because you go hard and push your body to the limit. With this kind of conditioning you are getting your heart in shape and burning calories ALL DAY LONG!!!

Here is my first time doing a HIIT workout. I dont quit at the end.... she just gives you a break to learn the next sequence :)
to order the program or for more info (click shop and then scroll down for turbo fir